Christianity Deconstructs Racism
Educational Series
About the course
Christianity Deconstructs Racism is a seven-lesson, eight week, small group study on how the Christianity of Jesus is a powerful deconstructive force against America’s original sin of racism.
Taught by Resilient Ventures founders Keith Daniel and Tom Droege, Christianity Deconstructs Racism is a Biblically-grounded educational series with the goal of deconstructing Racism and pursuing racial equity.
Gospel Transformation
Using a Gospel framework that is thoroughly Scripture-based and courageously anti-racist, participants gain both a gospel understanding of Racism and the teachings of mainstream racial equity movements.
Participants are guided through the profound meanings and implications for sound racial analysis that can lead to holistic actions. It provides a thick and true historical narrative to show the distinct nature of America’s original sin of racism. The authors of this guide have taken great care to accurately present racial equity understandings, while providing a Gospel framework to evaluate, enrich, and embellish those teachings.
The aim is for people raced as white to join people of color in combating new and emerging forms of racism by understanding the full picture of historical racism and the forces that fueled slavery and violent domination.
Course Framework
8 Weeks / 7 Lessons
Christianity Deconstructs Racism is racial equity training for people exploring faith implications while striving to keep the faith and finish the real human race for wholeness and holiness.
The course includes discussion, contemplation, and prayer and is led by experienced facilitators who operate in both privileged and marginalized communities. They share their authentic life and faith experiences with authority, humility, and vulnerability.
Group Considerations
The content of these sessions is primarily designed for people raced as white (but open to all) to increase their knowledge and awareness of their own bias. The goal is transformation and a decision to live a life of non- conformity to the racialized society in which we live. For these reasons, the material is best taught to groups of white people, with facilitation by a team of white and black facilitators.
The Curriculum
Genesis 1:26-27. The Image of God and Dominion were perverted in order to justify slavery and taking land in the colonies. Race is not Biblical, but a social construct, created historically to justify slavery. We study the historical creation of race and the impact of slavery.
Genesis 11 contemplates the pitfalls of a single dominant culture. We address White Privilege and continue the history of race in American from the founding to post Civil War.
Galatians 3:28 teaches all are one in Christ. In this lesson, we define racial equity, prejudice, and racism; review Biblical evidence that defines racism as a sin; and review historical racial progress and the backlash that these movements faced.
Just as Jesus taught Nicodemus in John 3:1-10 what it means to be born again, we must be born again with new perspectives toward racism and our fellow humans. This lesson covers history starting with the Civil Rights Act of 1866, meritocracy and transformation (Romans 12:1-2)
In this session, we define institutional racism and examine Mark 8:22-26, Jesus’ healing of the blind man at Bethsaida, awakening and revival. We cover the New Deal, the GI Bill, and Civil Rights.
We discuss Romans 12:1-2 for a transformed and renewed perspective that Dr. King and others envisioned for beloved community in America.
The Facilitators

Rev. Dr. Keith Daniel
Keith is an ordained American Baptist minister. He has served with a variety of NPOs and churches focusing on the Gospel’s liberating power to tear down dividing walls of oppression and segregation.

Tom Droege
Tom has been involved in Evangelical church work since 1979. He has held most positions in church leadership except pastor. His involvement in reconciliation and racial equity began in 1995.
Contact Us
The course requires a fee, subject to group size and organizational context, which covers part of the costs associated with facilitation and course materials. If you’re interested in learning more, contact us to discuss.
- 919.403.9459
“Awareness of and sensitivity to ethnic and racial issues is not some foreign issue for social justice warriors. It is Christianity 101.”
David E. Prince, Preaching About Race: Keeping the Big Picture in View